Marina Jirotka
University of Oxford
I am Professor of Human Centred Computing at the University of Oxford. Early in my career I collaborated with BT to develop a video-based ethnographic method for use in Requirements Engineering. This work served as the foundation for my doctoral thesis at Oxford. From 2003, my research focussed on e-Research applications, particularly e-Health. As a requirements engineer on a flagship e-Science project, eDiaMoND, I became interested in notions of collaboration and trust in clinical practice and in the sciences more generally.
More recently, through collaborations with industry, government and other organisations, my investigations have focussed on the digital economy. For instance in relation to: the emergent practices and capabilities of social networking systems: how to develop understandings of services, exchange and interaction that benefit the UK economy: and the economic, social, legal and regulatory issues to emerge in the next generation of the internet.
At Oxford I lead a team focussed on responsible innovation in a variety of advanced technologies. I was awarded an Established Career Fellowship from the EPSRC to lead the RoboTIPS project and will oversee its direction, progress and outcomes.
Alan Winfield
Bristol Robotics Lab
I am a Professor of Robot Ethics at the University of the West of England (UWE), Bristol, Visiting Professor at the University of York, and Associate Fellow of the Cambridge Centre for the Future of Intelligence. I received my PhD in Digital Communications from the University of Hull in 1984, then co-founded and led APD Communications Ltd until taking-up appointment at UWE, Bristol in 1992. I co-founded the Bristol Robotics Laboratory where my research is focused on the science, engineering and ethics of cognitive robotics.
I am an advocate for robot ethics; I sit on the executive of the IEEE Standards Association Global Initiative on Ethics of Autonomous and Intelligent Systems, and chair Working Group P7001, drafting a new IEEE standard on Transparency of Autonomous Systems. I have published over 240 works, including Robotics: A Very Short Introduction (Oxford University Press, 2012); I lecture widely on robotics, presenting to both academic and public audiences, and blog here.
I am a Co Investigator on the RoboTIPS Fellowship and will be overseeing the technical development of the Ethical Black Box and explainer system for social robots.
Pericle Salvini
University of Oxford
I am a Senior Researcher at the Responsible Technology Institute, in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Oxford. My expertise is in ethical and legal implications of human-robot interaction. My current research interests centre on responsible research and innovation in robotics research and applications. I was previuosly manager of the EU FP7 funded project RoboLaw (2012-2014), which is now considered to be a milestone in raising awareness about the legal, ethical and societal implications of robotics research and applications.
I joined the RoboTIPS project is summer 2021 and will be working alongside Marina Jirotka on the conceptual, policy anresponsibility issues in the project. I will work with the whole project team to develop and trial the EBB mock accident scenarios and investigations.
Keri Grieman
University of Oxford
I am Research Associate on the RoboTIPS project in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Oxford. I am also a PhD candidate in law at The Alan Turing Institute and the Centre for Commercial Law Studies at Queen Mary University of London. I am a qualified lawyer in Ontario, Canada, and was previously the Google Policy Fellow for the Canadian Internet Policy and Public Interest Clinic. My LLM on liability for self-driving vehicles sparked my interest in responsible innovation and governance of AI, and my research focuses on bridging the technical and legal gap in the regulation of artificial intelligence (AI).
I joined the RoboTIPS project in autumn 2021, and work alongside Marina Jirotka and Pericle Salvini on human-centred responsibility for robotics, adaptive regulation and governance, and the reconciliation of robotics and autonomy.
Nicola Webb
Bristol Robotics Lab
I am a part-time Research Fellow on the RoboTIPS project and will be going full-time in December 2022. Currently, I am a PhD candidate at the University of the West of England, looking at measuring group social engagement and improving a robot's social situation awareness. I am also part of the ECHOS <> research group at the Bristol Robotics Laboratory.
I joined the RoboTIPS project in October 2022, and am beginning work on implementing the Ethical Black Box for this project, and making sure that it fits the standard the group has created.
Previous: Anouk van Maris
Bristol Robotics Lab
I received my doctorate at the University of the West of England, Bristol, where I worked as an Early Career Researcher for the H2020 MSCA-ITN project SOCRATES. In this project we investigated interaction quality during human-robot interactions. More specifically, I have been investigating ethical concerns of social robots, where I used an empirical approach to gather rich insights on user experiences during human-robot interactions, as well as identify potential concerns.
I am a member of the committee on Ethics for Robots and Autonomous Systems at the British Standards Institute, and part of the REACH, ECHOS and Robot Ethics research groups at the Bristol Robotics Laboratory.
In the framework of the RoboTIPS project, Anouk worked on the technical development and implementation of the robot ethical black box (EBB), which will be used to generate explanations the robot's decision-making process. Furthermore, she contributed to the designing and running of the mock accidents investigations in the Bristol Robotics Lab, where the EBB will be tested in realistic human-robot interaction scenarios.
Previous: Helena Webb
University of Nottingham
Helena is a qualitative researcher and a social scientist by training. Her projects explore the ways in which users interact with technologies in different kinds of setting and how social action both shapes and is shaped by innovation. She is very interested in the ways in which detailed, granular analysis can be combined with larger scale computational work.
Helena worked with Marina Jirotka in the Human Centred Computing theme at the University of Oxford from November 2014 to summer 2021. She worked on a variety of projects including Digital Wildfire, which investigated the spread of harmful content on social media, UnBias, which explored the user experience of algorithm driven online platforms, and LabHack, an initiative to address resource scarcity in southern Africa.
In her work on the RoboTIPS project Helena carried out fieldwork with robotics professionals and and others to elicit the requirements of the Ethical Black Box and trial its utility in mock incident scenarios. She also engaged with stakeholders to explore the design and policy implications of the Ethical Black Box and determine the ways that responsibility practices can be embedded into robotics.
Previous: Kate Winkle
KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Katie recently completed her PhD at the Bristol Robotics Laboratory, where her research has focused on social influence in human robot interaction with application to social robots for health. In this work she's completed user-centred/participatory design studies with therapists, conducted human robot interaction studies looking at the psychology of robot social influence (and essentially persuasion) in an exercise setting, and generated an autonomous robot controller using supervised machine learning.
She was involved in the implementation of the Ethical Black Box for this project, but has since then left the project for a postdoctoral research position at KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Sweden.